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Monthly Archives: July 2024


Is The LLC Business Structure The Most Underrated Estate Planning Tool?

By David Toback |

The Internet is full of advice about how you should choose the limited liability company (LLC) business structure if you are about to establish a business.  The authors of these advice articles seem to assume that you know next to nothing about business, and that your LLC will inevitably go bankrupt within five years. … Read More »

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Carefree Seniors Pay Cash

By David Toback |

In so many ways, life is simpler when you retire.  You no longer have to worry about professional networking; you can stay in contact with people because you care about them and enjoy their company, not because getting to know them better will be financially rewarding.  You can spend your time doing what you… Read More »

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Internet Connectivity May Be The Most Important Retirement Expense

By David Toback |

If you were already retired when the pandemic started, then you might not realize how much of a difference COVID relief programs made to working people.  From stimulus checks to moratoriums on evictions, these programs prevented millions of Americans from becoming destitute as they worked at in-person jobs or cobbled together an income from… Read More »

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You Can Retire With $500K In Savings If You Have More Gratitude Than Cash

By David Toback |

Sometimes prosperity is not about how much money you have, but rather your attitude toward it.  Certainly, your feelings of anxiety and deprivation are justified if you don’t have enough money to be sure of where your next meal is coming from, but if your idea of “enough” is a specific number in the… Read More »

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