Monthly Archives: August 2024

When Seniors Try To Get Dental Care, Medicare Only Bares Its Teeth And Snarls
Almost everyone dreads going to the dentist, but you must admit that the advances in dentistry over the past decades have made the experience less pleasant than it used to be when you were young. If you have to do extensive dental work, dentists will use intravenous sedation, so you will only fall asleep… Read More »

Would You Take On Debt To Retire To Florida?
Retirement is supposed to be about getting out of the rat race. After you have spent decades basing all of your decisions on money, you are looking forward to thinking about something else for once. That means no more keeping up with the Joneses, no more risky investments and backup plans for survival if… Read More »

Keeping Money In Your 401(k) After You Retire Can Make Your Savings Last Longer
It is not possible to make detailed financial plans about your retirement until you decide what age you plan to retire and when you plan to begin drawing Social Security benefits. If you have an employer provided 401(k) retirement account, then between this and your Social Security retirement income, you can probably afford a… Read More »

Your Decision To Sell Your Empty Nest Just Got $10,000 Easier
The percentage of Americans who continue working for as long as their health allows and then retire with little or no savings, and it is likely only to get bigger, but another major reason why the Americans over the age of 65 who remain in the workforce are still there is inertia. It is… Read More »