Tag Archives: Florida Business Lawyers

What Happens to Florida Property That Belongs to Those Who Live in Other States?
Florida is a popular vacation area, a popular state for people to own vacation homes and timeshares, and a popular place to visit. As a result, it is common that people who live out of the state may own property located in the state. Those people may have wills, estates, or trust documents that… Read More »

Medical Marijuana Faces Regulatory Hurdles and Employer Questions
Many are aware that Florida passed an amendment to the Florida constitution permitting the use of medical marijuana. The relationship between doctors and patients and law enforcement has been the focus, but little time or attention has been given to the question of how the new laws will affect employers, and how accessible cannabis… Read More »

Tax Credits You May Not be Aware That You Had
Despite the fact that nobody likes paying taxes, you’d be surprised at how many people pay more than they have to. Wherever you stand on the debate over whether we have too many or too few tax loopholes, the fact is that they are there for the taking, and they aren’t just for big… Read More »