Tag Archives: Florida Business Transactions

Tax Consequences of Loans and Gifts
When the bank loans you money, it’s pretty clear that it’s a loan. The bank will make sure of that by making you sign documents evidencing you’re taking out a loan. But sometimes the line between a loan and a gift isn’t so clear. Loans or Gifts? If Cousin Louis “gives” your business $50,000… Read More »

Free Speech Challenge of Advertising Regulation May Help Businesses
As a business owner, you may not give much thought to first amendment free speech issues. But if you advertise your product, what you say to the public can be regulated by the government. The balancing act between free speech and regulation can be very delicate. Commercial Speech and the Constitution Commercial speech has… Read More »

Employers Risk Liability From Employees With Poorly Drafted Documents
Florida is one of the most employer-friendly states in the country, allowing an employer to terminate an employee “at will,” for almost any reason, so long as the reason doesn’t run afoul of federal laws which usually deal with discriminatory purposes. But aside from that, employers can be unfair, irrational, arbitrary, or even hostile… Read More »