Tag Archives: Florida Pet Trusts

Why You Need to Include Your Pet When Creating Your Estate Plan
When you start thinking of creating an estate plan, you may typically think about your financial accounts, physical property, and your family members such as your children and spouse. However, one of the things that is often forgotten is your beloved pets. Failing to plan for your pet’s future care could leave them in… Read More »
Simpson’s Creator’s Estate Plan May be Vague About Care For His Own Dog
We’ve written in the past about the importance of planning for pets when considering an estate plan. It turns out that even those with huge assets often forget to consider animals, or else, have estate plans that are vague or confusing about how they want their animals to be cared for. What appears to… Read More »
Planning for Your Pet When You’re Gone
In considering end of life planning, we often think of what will become of our assets and belongings, and possibly, who will be trusted or gifted with our assets. But one asset may not often get enough attention—our pets. Can a pet be left to someone in a will? How can you plan to… Read More »